Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Next Week

My friends!

I'm missing you. Luciana and I are heading to Taos tomorrow and I'm unplugging in a big way. Would you promise to visit me here next week? I've been jotting down notes on a post I'm really excited to write. Have a beautiful week; drink in the long days; may you feel enormous amounts of joy just because you can.

xx Melanie

PS: This was Friday at 6pm at our house. Which one of us needs the nap?

photo by the illustrious Sky Meltzer


  1. genius! its as if the camera is capturing your inner experience as well as the outer.

  2. i love this picture. You look beautiful in your exhaustion and Luciana is on to the next one.

  3. belisa and desi: you made sky's day! i have to go in and give him photo credit:)

  4. is that a bucket of toys you're using as a pillow? good thing you got away for a bit!

  5. Great photo!You look exhausted but pretty!
    Being a mother is not an easy task!
