Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Shelve It

As I told you awhile back, we were furniture shopping. And so we did. And now we wait. 4-6 weeks (now down to 2-4) for various pieces to arrive. And once they arrive, then there will be smaller accent pieces to track down. So the house still feels like a work in progress. A very livable, comfortable, sunny work in progress, but a WIP nonetheless. (did anyone see Cedar Rapids? Love those anacronyms). And til the furniture arrives, some things are not getting hung on the walls, office boxes are not getting organized under the pending desk, and Craigs List ads are not getting posted with old couch friend ready to move on to someone else. Which means I have time for some smaller projects.....

Honestly, the little detail of opening the drawer and seeing clean pretty paper instead of old nasty cheap drawer wood warms my heart. It can be the difference between liking the kitchen and loving it. My google search led me to Chic Shelf Paper. Then I saw Apartment Therapy had posted about it and I felt extra sharp. There have so many beautiful creative patterns, it makes me want to line every surface of the house just because I can. Which to choose for our dark blue tiled kitchen.....?

I love this one but I'm not feeling black.

Awesome, but too much blue in one room I think.

Should I ever be hungover again would I regret this one? It's cheerful though.

Classy, subtle, and we have a lot of orange in the house.

This is my wildcard but I'm kind of into it.

I just. love. red. Always and forever.

What would you do?


  1. The red one all the way!! Bold colors together are beautiful & chic! Goodluck

  2. i like the red best, too. plus, you know i'm also a fan of the red and turquoise kitchen decor....
    i love that they'll cut the paper to size for you!

  3. I am most drawn to the Liberty of London-esque one. I think if you're hung over, you should just keep the drawers closed! That or the red.
