Monday, May 16, 2011

Weekend with the Hummingbird

First I want to say I adore you. Thank you for your responses---all of them. Thank you. SO MUCH. I missed you when Blogger went down last week! Put a wrench in my plans for Thursday and all I wanted to chat about. But it's restored and all is well.

Sky was out of town this weekend and the hummingbird and I had some amazing time together. It's starting to feel second nature to say "We did this" or "We went there". Now that the baby is big enough that I feel movement pretty much all day it really feels like someone's with me. Of course I've known that, and felt that, but it's different now. It's becoming automatic to have a dialogue with her. With him. (By the way, feel free to cast your vote---I'm keeping a list.) I didn't actually need or want to be on the phone much, just loved relaxing and watching my belly move as the little one kicked and rolled.
photo from here (thanks, Jora)

Last week I bought the only yoga DVD I've ever owned: Prenatal Yoga with Gurumukh. I can't get to Golden Bridge as often as I'd like to, especially to their prenatal classes, and I'd heard great things about this DVD. So Friday morning, before my dentist appointment, the Bird and I tried it out. Gorgeous. Get it if you're pregnant; get it for someone you know who's pregnant. All the movement feels so good, and the things she says are beautiful. And if it gets a little out there, go with it. At one point towards the end there's time to dance with your baby, as in you in your living room dancing around with your pregnant belly, and I promise if you let yourself do it you don't feel stupid at all. You're dancing with your baby, and babies love to dance.

this one found on Google

I also love what Gurumukh said about being in the flow. I'm such a hard-core perfectionist that I've put pressure on myself at times to have myself totally figured out and my life perfect by the time the baby comes. Most of my life I can happily say is at a 10, but there are a couple of areas I still wrestle with, and I've had fear that I'll give that struggle to my baby. One thing I heard in the video is that what the baby picks up is not that I have fear or stress, but that Mama is in the flow, is working it out, is conscious and connected and willing to evolve. That was just what I needed to hear. Besides, having perfect parents could be really freaky for a kid. Having a mom that has stuff to work on I have to believe gives the child permission to be a work-in-progress as well.

Speaking of yoga: have you seen this?

source here but I think I saw it here
Somehow I don't think it would fly in my Iyengar classes, but in one's own backyard, why not.....

On Saturday morning I was exhausted from a night of calf cramps that had me basically up since 4:30 am, so the baby and I rested on the couch while I finished a delicious novel (Forever Amber, which is a Restoration-era England bodice ripper with lots of passionate longing---I highly highly recommend for a total escape) and we listened to the live broadcast from the Met. That's one of my favorite things to do on a Saturday should I find myself with time to just sit and listen. Saturday was The Valkyrie---not one of my favorite favorites, but glorious just the same. I talked to the baby about what passages I like, and what operas I love even more. Asked the baby's opinion, which usually got no sort of quantifiable response, but was fun just the same. We went to a play at night, and Baby got the hiccups during it. Luckily it was a comedy, because I was giggling.

Sky comes home today, and I honestly can't wait. I loved my quiet time with my baby, and I'm ready to have my Baby Daddy home. We feel closer to each other than we ever have, and despite what the statistics are, both of us are committed to our marriage being better than ever once we have a baby.

1 comment:

  1. aloha! baby yoga suckle.... xo
